10 Fun Facts from the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages, often referred to as the medieval period, is known for being an era of castles, knights, and a time of relentless grip of the Church. But there’s more to this period than the well-worn stereotypes let on. Here are ten fun facts that showcase the lesser known, yet truly fascinating aspects of medieval life.


The Black Death

Interestingly, the Black Death, which decimated Europe in the 14th century, is thought to have killed off about a third of Europe’s population. However, it also led to increased wages for labourers and is considered by some historians to have accelerated economic changes that were already underway.


Knights and Chivalry

Knighthood wasn’t just about battles; it entailed a code of chivalry, including virtues like loyalty, honour, and courtly love. Knights would undergo rigorous training from a young age, starting as a page and then a squire, before being dubbed a knight in a formal ceremony.



The feudal system was the backbone of medieval society. At its core was a strict hierarchical structure with the king at the top, followed by nobles, knights, and peasants. Each group had specific roles and responsibilities, weaving a complex network of allegiance and service.


Medieval Medicine

Though primitive by modern standards, medieval medicine included herbal remedies, purging, and the occasional surgery. Astrology played a significant role, with doctors believing that the alignment of the stars could affect one’s health.


The Crusades

These military campaigns had profound impacts on both Europe and the Middle East, providing Europeans exposure to new cultures and goods. The Crusades were initially religious in nature but grew to include a mix of motivations, including economic gain and personal glory.


Castles and Siege Warfare

Medieval castles were marvels of military architecture, complete with moats, drawbridges, and arrow slits. In response, siege warfare became an art, with various tactics and weapons, like the trebuchet, designed to breach these fortresses.


Medieval Food and Cuisine

Contrary to the notion that medieval food lacked sophistication, cuisine could be highly intricate, especially at feasts. Spices like saffron and cinnamon were highly prized in this time. And meals often included multiple courses with a variety of dishes.


The Magna Carta

Signed in 1215, the Magna Carta was groundbreaking in its insistence that even the king was subject to the law. Since then, it has become a symbol of the principles of governance and the rights of individuals.


Medieval Fashion

Fashion was as important in the Middle Ages as it is today, with clothing often signalling social status. Furs, velvets, and intricate embroidery were all the rage among the wealthy. Sumptuary laws were even introduced that dictated who could wear what. This is an early example of legislative fashion police.


Medieval Entertainment

Medieval entertainment went beyond public executions and included jousting at tournaments, which were like the sports events of their day, and music and theatre performances that could convey moral lessons or simply amuse.


While the Middle Ages might seem like a dark and distant period, it’s teeming with rich history and captivating facts that continue to mesmerise trivia enthusiasts and history buffs alike. From the horrors of the Black Death to the splendour of medieval feasts, this era was as complex as it was fascinating.


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